Friday, 15 November 2019

monthly notices 11/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

November 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
The Young Quaker, Issue 22, October 2019 covering the themes of identity and values. LINK TO PDF
*The YQ is always looking for contributions from young Friends, e.g. a photo of activism work, an idea for an article, a drawing or poem. Contact:

QPSW Spring Conference 2020 – Journeys of Witness
20–22 March 2020, The Hayes Conference Centre, Derbyshire
Updated information about the conference is enclosed. Keynote speakers will be Esther Leighton and Sam Donaldson. We will also hear about QPSW work on Climate justice, learning from peace activists in East Africa and work in Israel/Palestine.
Please forward names of Friends who may benefit from this conference to your Area Meeting or consider supporting their attendance as a Local Meeting.

Support for meetings
Mental Health Conversations
This is a new report, based on conversations with Friends who have lived experience of mental health problems. It offers insights into the experience and into how meetings respond and what helps or doesn’t. It asks the question: what is our Quaker ministry on mental health?
Share with Friends interested in mental health and ask them to help the meeting to reflect – and to take action. LINK TO PDF VERSION booklet available in meeting

Economic justice
New publication from Land Value Tax group
The Quaker Land Value Tax Group has produced the enclosed publication ‘Towards equality: the hidden role of land’, with help from a QPSW grant. The group came out of Friends’ discussions and training around the new economy, and is open to anyone who would like to help take this work forward. LINK TO PDF
For more information, or to get involved with the group’s work, please contact Jocelyn Gaskell,

Singing Workshop
10am–4pm, 25 January 2020, Friends House, London
Singing is a wonderful way of bringing your Quaker community together.
Join Leonora Davies and Elena Browne for a day at Friends House as we explore how to use singing in children’s meeting, all age worship and beyond.
This is an event for all ages. Those under 18 will need to come with an adult who will be responsible for them during the day. The cost is £10 for adults and £5 for under 18s. A packed lunch will be provided.
For more information please contact

Friday, 1 November 2019

Cynghorion a holiadau // Advices & queries 20/10/2019

22) Perchwch yr amrywiaeth eang sydd yn ein mysg yn ein bywydau a’n cysylltiadau. Gochelwch rhag ffurfio barn ragfarnllyd am deithiau bywyd pobl eraill. A ydych yn meithrin yr ysbryd o gyd-ddyheu ac o faddeuant a fynnir gennym, a ninnau’n ddisgyblion? Cofiwch fod pob un ohonom yn unigryw, yn werthfawr, yn blentyn i Dduw.

22) Respect the wide diversity among us in our lives and relationships. Refrain from making prejudiced judgments about the life journeys of others. Do you foster the spirit of mutual understanding and forgiveness which our discipleship asks of us? Remember that each one of us is unique, precious, a child of God.


Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Service of Remembrance for All Victims of War // Gwasanaeth Coffa i Bawb sy'n Dioddef Rhyfel

Narberth Quakers will be holding their eleventh annual Service of Remembrance for All Victims of War  from a multi faith viewpoint on Saturday November 9th 11.00 a.m in Narberth at the Landsker Cross, Narberth

It is 101 years since the end of the First World War and 80 years since the start of the Second World War – and there have been many other wars in-between and since.

The service will be approximately half an hour . We will be offering readings, poetry, prayers and insights from a range of faiths.  Please join us for refreshments afterwards in a room at Narberth Swimming Pool.

All are welcome // Croeso i bawb – whether of any faith or none!

On Friday 8th November there will be a table with white poppies for sale in Narberth, in the car park entrance by Span Arts 10.00 – 14.00. Donations to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders.

Landsker Cross: crossroads where Station Road, Spring Gardens, Jesse Road (A478) and St. James Street (A478) meet.

Out of doors: there is a bench in the space around the cross if you need to sit down.
with Pembrokeshire Peace Group


Mae'n ddrwg gen i nid yw'r postiad hwn yn Gymraeg; bydd rhan fach o'r gwasanaeth yn Gymraeg.


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

monthly notices 10/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

October 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF from the Quaker Centre Bookshop.

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses October 2019 LINK TO PDF

2019 Swarthmore Lecture book now available LINK TO PDF flyer
‘On earth as it is in heaven’, the 2019 Swarthmore Lecture, explores Quaker eco-theology
– from early Friends to Quakers today. Eden Grace reflects on the theological, spiritual and biblical grounding of Quakers’ witness on climate breakdown. She relates the experiences of people whose lives are impacted by the climate crisis and asks how Quakers can act in solidarity with them. Please announce in notices.
Available to buy online at the Quaker Bookshop or call 020 7663 1030

Quaker values in politics
Preparing for a general election
General elections are a key opportunity to influence future decision- makers. Although a general election hasn’t been called yet, it’s likely that one will happen soon. How can we engage with candidates to share our views and values?
Grace Da Costa, the new Public Affairs and Advocacy Manager at BYM, has written a blog and briefing on how local meetings can prepare for a general election. Read it at and contact with any questions.

QPSW Spring Conference 2020: Journeys of Witness
20-22 March 2020
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire
A conference aimed at those fairly new to Friends or to the work of Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), and at QPSW Correspondents. It will focus on the work that QPSW does in the
world on behalf of Quakers, and how QPSW seeks to support Friends individually and in meetings to translate faith into action. LINK TO PDF

Event booking reminders
December Young Quakers Participation Day, 2019
Saturday 7 December 2019, Friends House, London
We have written to area meeting clerks with information about this year’s Young Quakers Participation Day.
For young Quakers (14-18 years old) who are interested in a day held alongside Meeting for Sufferings, seeking their views on issues of concern to them and also to Quakers in Britain.
Each area meeting can book places for two young people born
between 1.9.2001 and 31.8.2005, inclusive (aged 14-18).
Booking deadline: Sunday 17 November, 2019
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,

Quaker Activist Gathering 2019
2 November 2019, Friends House, London
The activist gathering is a free event for Quakers and Quaker curious to come together for an intergenerational, restorative and invigorating day focusing on how we do social action.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Cynghorion a holiadau // Advices & queries 25/08/2019

12.When you are preoccupied and distracted in meeting let wayward and disturbing thoughts give way quietly to your awareness of God’s presence among us and in the world. Receive the vocal ministry of others in a tender and creative spirit. Reach for the meaning deep within it, recognising that even if it is not God’s word for you, it may be so for others. Remember that we all share responsibility for the meeting for worship whether our ministry is in silence or through the spoken word.

12.Pan fyddoch synfyfyriol neu ddryslyd yn y cwrdd addoli, gadewch i feddyliau cyndyn neu anesmwyth ymollwng yn dawel i’r ymwybod o bresenoldeb Duw yn ein mysg ac yn y byd. Derbyniwch weinidogaeth lafar eraill mewn ysbryd addfwyn a chreadigol. Estynnwch am yr ystyr sy’n ddwfn ymhlyg ynddo. Hyd yn oed os nad yw’n air Duw i chwi, gall fod felly i eraill. Cofier ein bod oll yn rhannu cyfrifoldeb am y cwrdd addoli, pa un bynnag ai mewn distawrwydd neu ynteu trwy’r gair llafar y bo’n gweinidogaeth.

monthly notices 09/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

from the Quaker Centre Bookshop:
September 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses September 2019 LINK TO PDF

Support for meetings
Meeting centred support
Building on the successful Vibrancy in Meetings Pilot Programme, BYM and Woodbrooke invite input from Quaker communities across Britain to help us work out where to site a pilot staff hub and how to grow the number of local development workers across the yearly meeting.
The ‘experiments in Faith’ leaflet gives more information about our
plans and how you can get involved. LINK TO PDF

Book of Discipline revision
What comes after Quaker faith & practice?
8–10 November, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A weekend to explore “Why have a Book of Discipline?” will take place at Woodbrooke. Britain Yearly Meeting is at the beginning of the once- in-a-generation process of revising our Book of Discipline, creating something new to replace Quaker faith & practice.
Area Meetings can nominate Friends, but there are also open places. Book here:

Quaker Week 2019
Experiment with Light
During Quaker Week, Experiment with Light are holding a series of five online meetings for meditation, from Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October. They will on the themes of: privilege (Monday), sustainability (Tuesday), peace (Wednesday), diversity (Thursday) and simplicity (Friday).
These would ideal for Quakers or for the Quaker-curious and for anyone wanting to know more about this practice. Please do share with anyone you know who may be interested. The name ‘Experiment with Light’ derives from terms used by early Quakers, who described their practice as ‘an experiment upon the soul’.
To find out more and to receive a link to the meeting

Peace Week resource
Peace education resource available
Quaker Peace & Social Witness have produced ‘Peace Week’, a peace education resource for use in primary and secondary schools. It’s full of tried and tested ideas for how to structure a peace week, a suite of primary lesson plans and activities for the whole school.
Hard copies can be bought from the Quaker Centre Bookshop for £10 plus p&p: LINK or phone 020 7663 1030/1031
For further information call Izzy Cartwright: 020 7663 1087,
Follow THISLINK for free download * Now also available to download in Welsh

All-age community
All Are Welcome – all-age event at Woodbrooke 1–3 November 2019, Woodbrooke, Birmingham Woodbrooke and Quaker Life working in partnership.
This engaging and interactive weekend is an opportunity to explore how Friends and meetings can reach out to families, connect with each other and enrich our all-age worshipping community. It is ideal for anyone wanting to make change happen and help build inclusive and welcoming communities, especially for Friends with responsibility for eldership and oversight. This weekend is open to all ages and we will practice building an all-age community. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Children and young people

Young Quakers Participation Day
Saturday 7 December 2019, Friends House, London
We have written to Area Meeting Clerks with information about this year’s Young Quakers Participation Day.
For young Quakers (14-18 years old) who are interested in a day held alongside MfS, seeking their views on issues of concern to them and also to Quakers in Britain.
Each Area Meeting can book two young people born between 1.9.2001 and 31.8.2005, inclusive (aged 14-18).
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,      

Children & Young People booking reminders
Facilitation and Leadership
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 October 2019, Woodbrooke
An energetic and interesting event for 16 to 21 year olds, helping them understand groups and try out skills. It is for those new to facilitation and for those with previous experience – developing confidence, understanding and skills alongside considering how to engage with Quaker aspects of facilitation. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Living as a Quaker
18–21 October 2019, The Sustainability Centre, Hampshire
Exciting opportunity for 12 to 15 year olds – residential event exploring personal beliefs alongside outdoor skills and activities organised by the Children and Young People’s Team and Youth Work project. LINK TO PDF FLYER
Book at
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,

Membership Weekend
1–3 November 2019, Charney Manor, Bassett, Oxfordshire
This weekend is for people who have been around Quakerism for a while and want to explore further. Those attending will be guided, without pressure of any kind, by experienced facilitators from the Quaker Quest team. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Peace and social witness event reminders
Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair, DSEI, is setting up shop in London
in September 2019, to export war and conflict around the world. When Britain plays host to one of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice follow. Let’s stop it here.
LINK TO FLYER and further information in AUGUST NOTICES
Daniel Jakopovich,, 020 7663 1090

Quaker Activist Gathering 2019
2 November 2019, Friends House, London
The activist gathering is a free event for Quakers and Quaker curious to come together for an intergenerational, restorative and invigorating day focusing on how we do social action. We will create a space to build connections, reflect and share stories and to bring faith deeper into practice. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Conference: Envisioning a world that is open to all: let us see what love can do
27–29 September 2019, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A timely interactive conference to learn about asylum and migration, hearing from those who have felt its impact, and working together to create the change we need. Through workshops, performances, panel discussions we will explore the interplay between race, privilege and migration. How it works and what we can do. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Tatiana Garavito, 020 7663 1096, Register at

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Cynghorion a holiadau // Advices & queries 18/08/2019

10. Be honest with yourself. What unpalatable truths might you be evading? When you recognise your shortcomings, do not let that discourage you. In worship together we can find the assurance of God’s love and the strength to go on with renewed courage.

10. Byddwch onest â chwi’ch hunan. Pa wirioneddau diflas y dichon eich bod yn eu hosgoi? O adnabod eich ffaeleddau, na foed i hynny eich digalonni. Mewn cydaddoli, gallwn ganfod y sicrwydd o gariad Duw a chanfod o’r newydd y dewrder i ddal ati.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Cynghorion a holiadau // Advices & queries 11/08/2019

10: Come regularly to meeting for worship even when you are angry, depressed, tired or spiritually cold. In the silence ask for and accept the prayerful support of others joined with you in worship. Try to find a spiritual wholeness which encompasses suffering as well as thankfulness and joy. Prayer, springing from a deep place in the heart, may bring healing and unity as nothing else can. Let meeting for worship nourish your whole life.

10. Deuwch yn gyson i’r cwrdd addoli, hyd yn oed pan fyddoch ddig, neu’n isel-ysbryd, neu’n flinedig, neu’n oer yn ysbrydol. Yn y distawrwydd, ceisiwch a derbyniwch gefnogaeth weddigar eich cyd-addolwyr. Ceisiwch ganfod cyfanrwydd ysbrydol sy’n cwmpasu dioddefaint yn ogystal â diolchgarwch a llawenydd. Yn anad unpeth arall fe all gweddi sy’n tarddu o ddwfn y galon ddwyn gwellhad ac undod. Gadewch i’r cwrdd addoli faethu eich holl fywyd.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

To Share

On contemplating the fate of Hiroshima on August 6th 1945 and the world still...
(written in 2005)

We breathe in the air that rushed through their lungs
We breathe in the atoms that were their bodies

We slip our feet into sea
that touches all land

We feel the same sun on our skin
as the people who die
as the people who kill
as the people who wait
as the people who order
as the people who obey
as the people who do nothing
as the people who sing
as the people who love
as the people who hate
as the people who are bewildered
as the people who grieve
as the people who accept
as the people who struggle

as the people who cry and laugh and wonder in awe

as the people who have nothing
as the people who want more
as the people who want no more
as the people who want peace

We feel the same sun on our skin
The same air in our lungs
You and I

On the 6th August Pembrokeshire Peace Group are hosting a Hiroshima Day event at the Picton Centre, Haverfordwest from 6pm till dusk.
This is a free event with stall, music and hot food followed by candle boat launchings on the Cleddau bridge.
For ore information contact:

monthly notices 08/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

August 2019 editions of Books of the Month from the Quaker Centre Bookshop
Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
Children & Young Adults Books of the month LINK TO PDF

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses August 2019 LINK TO PDF

Among Friends Issue 145 The latest newsletter from the Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation – containing news of the EMES Annual Meeting in Budapest, the Europe & Middle East Young Friends Spring Gathering in Russia, Kindertransport commemoration in Prague and remembering John Corsellis. LINK TO PDF

Friends World News, 2019, Vol 1, Issue 188 The bulletin of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, featuring news from their recent Central Executive Committee meeting, Section reports, plans for World Quaker Day 2019, and the latest updates from the World Office including sustainability and the Young Adult Friends Development Fund. LINK TO PDF

FWCC Appeal The worldwide organisation for Friends, Friends World Committee for Consultation, is appealing for financial contributions. Their appeal letter LINK TO PDF

Support for meetings
Want to host a hub or a Local Development Worker?
Last month’s mailing included a blog outlining the recent decision by Woodbrooke and Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees to build on the successful Vibrancy in Meetings pilot programme with a plan to place a paid Local Development Worker (LDW) within reach of each Quaker community within five years. There are also plans to experiment by setting up a trial staff hub outside of London or Birmingham. We’ll soon be inviting expressions of interest from Quaker communities interested in hosting either an LDW or a pilot hub.
Look out for more information in the September mailing or at
Suzanne Ismail, 020 7663 1172,

Quaker Week
Quaker Week 2019
Saturday 28 September – Sunday 6 October 2019
This year’s theme is ‘Quaker Stories’. What story can you tell? What is the story of your Quaker community? What are your favourite Quaker stories? If you’re on social media use #QuakerStories to share your story and find inspiration. Quaker Week posters will be delivered to clerks by mid-August.

Sanctuary Everywhere
Sanctuary Everywhere appeal 2020
The Sanctuary Everywhere programme supports Quaker meetings  to create a culture of welcome in their communities for people seeking refuge in Britain. This work is due to end in December 2019, but – with almost 100 meetings now signed up – we want to keep it going throughout 2020. We have already found around £25,000 of the £76,000 needed for the extension – can you help to make the difference? See poster for details on how to give. You can give online at
Tatiana Garavito, 020 7663 1096

Climate Action
New climate action project seeking host meetings
If your local meeting has been thinking about how to support climate action or move forward with your work on the new economy, this project could be for you. QPSW is hoping to develop a project employing coordinators in three different places to bring together local groups contributing to the zero-carbon transition, with local meetings playing a hosting role. See flyer for more information.
Olivia Hanks, 020 7663 1055,

Witness against the arms trade reminder

Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair, DSEI, is setting up shop in London in September 2019, to export war and conflict around the world. When we play host to one of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice start here. Let’s stop it here.
Friends interested in opposing the arms fair can see the flyer on activities by Roots of Resistance and an additional flyer about the vigil Young Quakers see below
Daniel Jakopovich,, 020 7663 1090

How young Quakers can witness for peace at the arms fair
Monday 9 September, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.
ERRATUM Meet 6pm at South side Royal Victoria DLR, by roundabout, on Seagull Lane, E16 1BY
We will attend the silent peace vigil held the evening before the September DSEi arms fair starts. This is an informal opportunity, parent/s or guardian/s should be happy that the young people attending the event can take responsibility for themselves.
Please continue to encourage young people to attend.
It would be very helpful for us to know who to expect, so please register your interest with:
Cat Waithaka,, 020 7663 1011

Friday, 5 July 2019

Prison Phoenix Trust newsletter Summer 2019

[well I always find it inspiring! Narberth Clerk]

Responding creatively in divided times


monthly notices 07/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

Listings, newsletter and more
from the Quaker Centre Bookshop:
Books of the Month July 2019 LINK TO PDF
Children & Young Adults Books of the Month 2019 LINK TO PDF

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses July 2019 LINK TO PDF

CIRcular, Issue 37, Yearly Meeting 2019 a digest of activities undertaken both by the Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) and Friends in interfaith and interchurch work across the yearly meeting. LINK TO PDF

The Young Quaker, Issue 21: May 2019 – The Literary Issue The Young Friends General Meeting magazine. LINK TO PDF

Seeking Routes Art Exhibition, 20 July–8 September, Swarthmoor Hall An exhibition by Quaker artists supported by Quaker Arts Network on the theme of Quaker witness to sustainability – including a programme of workshops, lectures, poetry and performances.
Support for meetings LINK TO PDF

BYM and Woodbrooke Trustees decision
On 7 June Trustees of Woodbrooke and Britain Yearly Meeting met to discuss next steps, after the evaluation of the Vibrancy in Meetings pilot showed it helped Friends in these areas feel more connected, confident and supported. The aim is to have a Local Development Worker within reach of each Quaker community within five years.
LINK TO PDF More information is available at

Quaker Week
Quaker Week 2019
Saturday 28 September to Sunday 6 October 2019
Quaker Week is all about Quaker stories. Do you know each other’s stories? Can you share your meeting’s story with the world? LINK TO PDF FLYERS
If you are on social media, use the hashtag
#QuakerStories to find examples and share your stories.

Mental Health forum
Quaker Mental Health Forum – Mental health in community
Saturday, 19 October 2019, The Priory Rooms, Birmingham, B4 6AF
Quaker Life would like to encourage meetings to attend the Quaker mental health forum. This year’s forum will explore the impact of community on mental health, consider what makes a healthy community and reflect on Quaker witness in creating spiritual connections within the community. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Witness against the arms trade
Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair, DSEI, is setting up shop in London in September 2019, to export war and conflict around the world.
When we play host to one of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice start here. Let’s stop it here.
Friends interested in opposing the arms fair can see the flyer on activities by Roots of Resistance (printed copy included) and an additional flyer on the monthly mailing web page about the vigil.

Asylum and migration conference
Envisioning a world that is open to all: let us see what love can do
27–29 September 2019, Woodbrooke
A weekend conference learning about asylum and migration, hearing from those who have felt its impact, and working together to create the change that we need. Speakers, workshops, performances and panel discussions will explore the interplay between race, privilege and migration.

Hardship grants for individuals
Hope grants for individuals
Grants of up to £750 are available to improve the quality of life for Quaker members and attenders who are unemployed or unable to make a living wage. Past grants have funded: equipment for a new or developing hobby; help with the cost of attending evening classes    or lessons; help with cost of participating fully in the life of the Society of Friends; help with travel costs, like visiting an aged relative.
Applications must be supported by an overseer. For details see:

Pollard & Dickson Trust has grants of up to £1,500 available for Friends & attenders in Britain to help those unable to meet daily living expenses and to support Friends to attend activities, courses or events that will have benefits for the wider Quaker community
Contact Augene Nanning, Pollard & Dickson Trust Administrator

William Gunn’s Charity
This Charity exists to assist individual Members who are in personal financial need by making grants of money to them or by paying for services and / or items needed by them.
Grants Secretary: Val Brittin 01905 25472 Clerk to Trustees: Jackie Fowler 01952 253378

Children and young people

Facilitation and Leadership
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 October 2019, Woodbrooke
An energetic and interesting event for 16 to 21 year olds, helping them understand groups and try out skills. It is for those new to facilitation and for those with previous experience – developing confidence, understanding and skills alongside considering how to engage with Quaker aspects of facilitation. LINK TO PDF FLYER
Cat Waithaka,, 020 7663 1011

Living as a Quaker
18–21 October 2019, The Sustainability Centre, Hampshire
Exciting opportunity for 12 to 15 year olds – residential event exploring personal beliefs alongside outdoor skills and activities organised by the Children and Young People’s Team and Youth Work project.
Book at or ring 020 7663 1013
Deadline 21 September

How young Quakers can witness for peace at the arms fair
Monday 9 September, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.
Meet Tidal Basin Road, outside Royal Victoria DLR at 6pm
Come and meet other young Quakers and attend the silent vigil
held the evening before the September DSEi arms fair. There will be Friends House staff and people who campaign for peace at this event. Young people attend this event independently. Friends House staff will support young people joining the vigil and parents/guardians should be happy that the young people attending the event are of an age where they can take responsibility for themselves.
Cat Waithaka,, 020 7663 1011

Thursday, 9 May 2019

monthly notices May 2019 Mai hysbysiadau misol

Listings and magazine

Books of the Month May 2019 from the Quaker Centre Bookshop. LINK to PDF
Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses May 2019 LINK to PDF
Swarthmoor Hall upcoming courses and events Spring / Summer 2019 LINK to PDF
Among Friends Spring 2019: the newsletter from the Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation.This edition contains news on the EMES peace
& service consultation, the latest from the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva about
their work on climate change LINK to PDF

Junior Yearly Meeting

2019 epistle
JYM took place for 15- to 18-year-old Quakers in April. The epistle from this event is enclosed. [this was read in MfW last Sunday]


Retreat events at Woodbrooke in 2019
Reflections and responses to mortality and grief: 28–30 June 2019
Take time retreat: 6–9 September 2019
Quaker Life would like to share the details of two retreat events that are being held at Woodbrooke.
Our reflections and responses to mortality and grief is a chance to reflect personally on issues relating to dying, death and end of life.
Take time is a retreat for carers of people who have problems with their mental health.
People may need the meeting’s support to enable them to attend these events.
Our reflection on mortality and grief bookings:

Sustainability and economic justice

The Time is Now: Mass lobby of Parliament on environment and climate change
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Quakers will join thousands of people from across the country to call on MPs to take urgent action on climate change and for our environment. The mass lobby event will take place outside parliament from 1-3pm, with interfaith workshops and events at a nearby location in the morning.
To sign up and receive more info, please email Philip Wood at

Tax Justice Sunday
Sunday 7 July 2019
Tax Justice Sunday will be held on 7 July as part of Fair Tax Week, a new initiative organised by Fair Tax Mark. Church congregations around the country will be reflecting on the role of tax and how they can promote tax justice in their own communities. Quaker Peace &
Social Witness is encouraging Quaker meetings across Britain to take
part, and we enclose a flyer with some suggestions.
Olivia Hanks,, 020 7663 1055

Sustainability & new economy workshops
Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) staff are available to run workshops for Quaker groups interested in exploring how to build a more just and sustainable economic system. The enclosed flyer outlines the topics and sessions currently on offer.
Please consider inviting someone to run a workshop with your meeting, or as part of a wider public event.

Turning the Tide UK (Quaker Peace and Social Witness) is working in partnership with Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre to offer a new online course on 'Inspiring Nonviolence'.
3 June – 14 July £36


Talking Friends
Talking Friends offers recorded material for Friends with visual impairment. Please encourage Friends with oversight or pastoral care responsibility to share information about Talking Friends with people who may wish to subscribe.
Alan Johnson, Convenor of Talking Friends, 0121 476 0217

Children and young people

Opportunities to explore growing community (including ALL AGE WORSHIP)
A range of opportunities to help meetings grow as communities. Request a day or half day, facilitated for you and choosing one of four ways of exploring being a Quaker community – all ages welcome.
Or request a workshop on one of a variety of topics relating to children/young people in a Quaker context. Please consider whether one of these options might be suitable for your meeting. LINK to PDF leaflet

Living as a Quaker event for 11- to 15-year-olds
18–21 October 2019 at the Sustainability Centre, Hampshire
Over a long weekend this event offers young people the opportunity to learn more about Quaker identity, values and beliefs, as well as exploring how to talk about being a Quaker. There will be interactive sessions alongside crafts, cooking, campfires and shelter building.
It costs £125 and the closing date for bookings is 21 September. LINK to PDF FLYER