Thursday, 29 August 2019

monthly notices 09/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

from the Quaker Centre Bookshop:
September 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses September 2019 LINK TO PDF

Support for meetings
Meeting centred support
Building on the successful Vibrancy in Meetings Pilot Programme, BYM and Woodbrooke invite input from Quaker communities across Britain to help us work out where to site a pilot staff hub and how to grow the number of local development workers across the yearly meeting.
The ‘experiments in Faith’ leaflet gives more information about our
plans and how you can get involved. LINK TO PDF

Book of Discipline revision
What comes after Quaker faith & practice?
8–10 November, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A weekend to explore “Why have a Book of Discipline?” will take place at Woodbrooke. Britain Yearly Meeting is at the beginning of the once- in-a-generation process of revising our Book of Discipline, creating something new to replace Quaker faith & practice.
Area Meetings can nominate Friends, but there are also open places. Book here:

Quaker Week 2019
Experiment with Light
During Quaker Week, Experiment with Light are holding a series of five online meetings for meditation, from Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October. They will on the themes of: privilege (Monday), sustainability (Tuesday), peace (Wednesday), diversity (Thursday) and simplicity (Friday).
These would ideal for Quakers or for the Quaker-curious and for anyone wanting to know more about this practice. Please do share with anyone you know who may be interested. The name ‘Experiment with Light’ derives from terms used by early Quakers, who described their practice as ‘an experiment upon the soul’.
To find out more and to receive a link to the meeting

Peace Week resource
Peace education resource available
Quaker Peace & Social Witness have produced ‘Peace Week’, a peace education resource for use in primary and secondary schools. It’s full of tried and tested ideas for how to structure a peace week, a suite of primary lesson plans and activities for the whole school.
Hard copies can be bought from the Quaker Centre Bookshop for £10 plus p&p: LINK or phone 020 7663 1030/1031
For further information call Izzy Cartwright: 020 7663 1087,
Follow THISLINK for free download * Now also available to download in Welsh

All-age community
All Are Welcome – all-age event at Woodbrooke 1–3 November 2019, Woodbrooke, Birmingham Woodbrooke and Quaker Life working in partnership.
This engaging and interactive weekend is an opportunity to explore how Friends and meetings can reach out to families, connect with each other and enrich our all-age worshipping community. It is ideal for anyone wanting to make change happen and help build inclusive and welcoming communities, especially for Friends with responsibility for eldership and oversight. This weekend is open to all ages and we will practice building an all-age community. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Children and young people

Young Quakers Participation Day
Saturday 7 December 2019, Friends House, London
We have written to Area Meeting Clerks with information about this year’s Young Quakers Participation Day.
For young Quakers (14-18 years old) who are interested in a day held alongside MfS, seeking their views on issues of concern to them and also to Quakers in Britain.
Each Area Meeting can book two young people born between 1.9.2001 and 31.8.2005, inclusive (aged 14-18).
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,      

Children & Young People booking reminders
Facilitation and Leadership
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 October 2019, Woodbrooke
An energetic and interesting event for 16 to 21 year olds, helping them understand groups and try out skills. It is for those new to facilitation and for those with previous experience – developing confidence, understanding and skills alongside considering how to engage with Quaker aspects of facilitation. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Living as a Quaker
18–21 October 2019, The Sustainability Centre, Hampshire
Exciting opportunity for 12 to 15 year olds – residential event exploring personal beliefs alongside outdoor skills and activities organised by the Children and Young People’s Team and Youth Work project. LINK TO PDF FLYER
Book at
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,

Membership Weekend
1–3 November 2019, Charney Manor, Bassett, Oxfordshire
This weekend is for people who have been around Quakerism for a while and want to explore further. Those attending will be guided, without pressure of any kind, by experienced facilitators from the Quaker Quest team. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Peace and social witness event reminders
Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair, DSEI, is setting up shop in London
in September 2019, to export war and conflict around the world. When Britain plays host to one of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice follow. Let’s stop it here.
LINK TO FLYER and further information in AUGUST NOTICES
Daniel Jakopovich,, 020 7663 1090

Quaker Activist Gathering 2019
2 November 2019, Friends House, London
The activist gathering is a free event for Quakers and Quaker curious to come together for an intergenerational, restorative and invigorating day focusing on how we do social action. We will create a space to build connections, reflect and share stories and to bring faith deeper into practice. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Conference: Envisioning a world that is open to all: let us see what love can do
27–29 September 2019, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A timely interactive conference to learn about asylum and migration, hearing from those who have felt its impact, and working together to create the change we need. Through workshops, performances, panel discussions we will explore the interplay between race, privilege and migration. How it works and what we can do. LINK TO PDF FLYER

Tatiana Garavito, 020 7663 1096, Register at

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