Thursday, 1 August 2019

monthly notices 08/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

August 2019 editions of Books of the Month from the Quaker Centre Bookshop
Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
Children & Young Adults Books of the month LINK TO PDF

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses August 2019 LINK TO PDF

Among Friends Issue 145 The latest newsletter from the Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation – containing news of the EMES Annual Meeting in Budapest, the Europe & Middle East Young Friends Spring Gathering in Russia, Kindertransport commemoration in Prague and remembering John Corsellis. LINK TO PDF

Friends World News, 2019, Vol 1, Issue 188 The bulletin of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, featuring news from their recent Central Executive Committee meeting, Section reports, plans for World Quaker Day 2019, and the latest updates from the World Office including sustainability and the Young Adult Friends Development Fund. LINK TO PDF

FWCC Appeal The worldwide organisation for Friends, Friends World Committee for Consultation, is appealing for financial contributions. Their appeal letter LINK TO PDF

Support for meetings
Want to host a hub or a Local Development Worker?
Last month’s mailing included a blog outlining the recent decision by Woodbrooke and Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees to build on the successful Vibrancy in Meetings pilot programme with a plan to place a paid Local Development Worker (LDW) within reach of each Quaker community within five years. There are also plans to experiment by setting up a trial staff hub outside of London or Birmingham. We’ll soon be inviting expressions of interest from Quaker communities interested in hosting either an LDW or a pilot hub.
Look out for more information in the September mailing or at
Suzanne Ismail, 020 7663 1172,

Quaker Week
Quaker Week 2019
Saturday 28 September – Sunday 6 October 2019
This year’s theme is ‘Quaker Stories’. What story can you tell? What is the story of your Quaker community? What are your favourite Quaker stories? If you’re on social media use #QuakerStories to share your story and find inspiration. Quaker Week posters will be delivered to clerks by mid-August.

Sanctuary Everywhere
Sanctuary Everywhere appeal 2020
The Sanctuary Everywhere programme supports Quaker meetings  to create a culture of welcome in their communities for people seeking refuge in Britain. This work is due to end in December 2019, but – with almost 100 meetings now signed up – we want to keep it going throughout 2020. We have already found around £25,000 of the £76,000 needed for the extension – can you help to make the difference? See poster for details on how to give. You can give online at
Tatiana Garavito, 020 7663 1096

Climate Action
New climate action project seeking host meetings
If your local meeting has been thinking about how to support climate action or move forward with your work on the new economy, this project could be for you. QPSW is hoping to develop a project employing coordinators in three different places to bring together local groups contributing to the zero-carbon transition, with local meetings playing a hosting role. See flyer for more information.
Olivia Hanks, 020 7663 1055,

Witness against the arms trade reminder

Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair, DSEI, is setting up shop in London in September 2019, to export war and conflict around the world. When we play host to one of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice start here. Let’s stop it here.
Friends interested in opposing the arms fair can see the flyer on activities by Roots of Resistance and an additional flyer about the vigil Young Quakers see below
Daniel Jakopovich,, 020 7663 1090

How young Quakers can witness for peace at the arms fair
Monday 9 September, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.
ERRATUM Meet 6pm at South side Royal Victoria DLR, by roundabout, on Seagull Lane, E16 1BY
We will attend the silent peace vigil held the evening before the September DSEi arms fair starts. This is an informal opportunity, parent/s or guardian/s should be happy that the young people attending the event can take responsibility for themselves.
Please continue to encourage young people to attend.
It would be very helpful for us to know who to expect, so please register your interest with:
Cat Waithaka,, 020 7663 1011

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