Monday, 5 February 2018

February 2018 notices from British Yearly Meeting / Quakers in Britain

Books of the month link to PDF
Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses February 2018 link to pdf
Swarthmoor Hall 2018 Programme Guide link to pdf
Young Quakers Calendar link to pdf  
Gatherings & conferences
Yearly Meeting 2018
All Friends (whether in membership or not) are invited to participate in Yearly Meeting
to be held at Friends House, London from 4–7 May 2018. Enclosed in this mailing is the calling letter with registration details. Please circulate this letter to as many Friends in your meeting as possible.
Keynote speaker at QPSW Spring Conference announced
23–25 March, The Hayes conference centre, Derbyshire
The keynote speaker at the QPSW Spring Conference will be Elsie Whittington. Her keynote title is “Awkwardness as activism: embracing vulnerability in love, activism and witness”. The Spring Conference theme is ‘Journeys of Witness’.
Booking deadline extended to 11 February!
Kristin Skarsholt,, 020 7663 1121
Sign up to new e-newsletter
Get the best of Britain Yearly Meeting’s digital content
Quake! is the new monthly email update on the work of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) and Quakers in Britain. It will include discussion
and exploration of Quaker life and worship, insights into faith-based activism, and links to new publications as well as the latest news, events and public statements from BYM. This newsletter replaces the Quaker Life Network monthly email and aims to provide an essential monthly digest of the best of our digital content.
Sign up to Quake! HERE
Meetings and mental health
Friends Quarterly Quakers and mental health
The theme of the current Friends Quarterly. is mental health with articles written by Quakers from a range of perspectives. A complimentary copy has been sent to us.
Oliver Waterhouse,, 020 7663 1007
New leaflet: Mental health in our meetings
Quaker Life has just published this new leaflet on mental health in
our meetings. It offers advice and guidance to help meetings respond when mental distress is present. It is a helpful resource for those with responsibility for eldership and oversight and useful for all Quakers to be aware of. A copy is available in Meeting and we can order more.
Spiritual life of the meeting
Experiment with Light
Quaker Life recognises that for some Friends, Experiment with Light can be a powerful way of deepening their spiritual life. Experience has shown that the practice contributes best to the life of the meeting when it is undertaken in a group that is in the care of the meeting and supported by elders. In 2018 Experiment with Light Network offers opportunities for people with a range of experience of the practice.
Friends can find out about the practice from a very basic level of understanding or, as a practitioner, might wish to be immersed in a 24-hour retreat, or local meetings might request a workshop.
Quaker Week 2018
29 September 7 October 2018
Have you started planning your outreach for Quaker Week 2018?
We hope even more meetings will get involved this year. Details of the theme, ideas for activities and a range of resources will be shared over the next few months. There will be regular updates in the clerks mailing and information on the Quaker Week web page. Remember for outreach to be most effective you may need to go out into your local community rather that expecting people to cross the threshold of the meeting house.
Children and young people
Growing as an all age community?
There are opportunities for meetings to be helped and supported in developing as all age communities. These are: hosting one of a range of workshops, considering how the new ‘All are welcome’ resource can be used and inviting a facilitator to an area / local meeting event. These are offered by the volunteer Children and Young People’s Work Training Team, supported by Quaker Life staff.
CYP administrator,, 020 7663 1013
Adult Education grants available
Grants are available for Quaker members and attenders continuing their education as mature students within the post-compulsory education sector, including vocational, further or higher education or continuing professional development. The grants are particularly
aimed at those studying to equip themselves to serve society and/or Quakers in Britain. Applicants should be in need of financial support to take the course and the course should be offered at a reputable institution within the UK. Please see the grant-making page of the Quakers in Britain website HERE
Closing date 30 April.
Ann Pfeiffer, 020 7663 1053
Quaker witness
Quakers challenging torture
With this new leaflet Quaker Concern for the Abolition of Torture
(Q-CAT) hopes to raise awareness of the continuing scourge that is torture in the world today, what Quakers can do about this problem and how to find out more and get involved. (Erratum: the word ‘use’ is missing at the end of ‘Quakers and Torture section in printed copy that we have.)


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