Friday, 15 November 2019

monthly notices 11/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

November 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF
The Young Quaker, Issue 22, October 2019 covering the themes of identity and values. LINK TO PDF
*The YQ is always looking for contributions from young Friends, e.g. a photo of activism work, an idea for an article, a drawing or poem. Contact:

QPSW Spring Conference 2020 – Journeys of Witness
20–22 March 2020, The Hayes Conference Centre, Derbyshire
Updated information about the conference is enclosed. Keynote speakers will be Esther Leighton and Sam Donaldson. We will also hear about QPSW work on Climate justice, learning from peace activists in East Africa and work in Israel/Palestine.
Please forward names of Friends who may benefit from this conference to your Area Meeting or consider supporting their attendance as a Local Meeting.

Support for meetings
Mental Health Conversations
This is a new report, based on conversations with Friends who have lived experience of mental health problems. It offers insights into the experience and into how meetings respond and what helps or doesn’t. It asks the question: what is our Quaker ministry on mental health?
Share with Friends interested in mental health and ask them to help the meeting to reflect – and to take action. LINK TO PDF VERSION booklet available in meeting

Economic justice
New publication from Land Value Tax group
The Quaker Land Value Tax Group has produced the enclosed publication ‘Towards equality: the hidden role of land’, with help from a QPSW grant. The group came out of Friends’ discussions and training around the new economy, and is open to anyone who would like to help take this work forward. LINK TO PDF
For more information, or to get involved with the group’s work, please contact Jocelyn Gaskell,

Singing Workshop
10am–4pm, 25 January 2020, Friends House, London
Singing is a wonderful way of bringing your Quaker community together.
Join Leonora Davies and Elena Browne for a day at Friends House as we explore how to use singing in children’s meeting, all age worship and beyond.
This is an event for all ages. Those under 18 will need to come with an adult who will be responsible for them during the day. The cost is £10 for adults and £5 for under 18s. A packed lunch will be provided.
For more information please contact

Friday, 1 November 2019

Cynghorion a holiadau // Advices & queries 20/10/2019

22) Perchwch yr amrywiaeth eang sydd yn ein mysg yn ein bywydau a’n cysylltiadau. Gochelwch rhag ffurfio barn ragfarnllyd am deithiau bywyd pobl eraill. A ydych yn meithrin yr ysbryd o gyd-ddyheu ac o faddeuant a fynnir gennym, a ninnau’n ddisgyblion? Cofiwch fod pob un ohonom yn unigryw, yn werthfawr, yn blentyn i Dduw.

22) Respect the wide diversity among us in our lives and relationships. Refrain from making prejudiced judgments about the life journeys of others. Do you foster the spirit of mutual understanding and forgiveness which our discipleship asks of us? Remember that each one of us is unique, precious, a child of God.