Thursday, 2 August 2018

monthly notices August 2018 Awst hysbysiadau misol

Listings & magazines
Books of the Month August 2018 from the Quaker Centre Bookshop LINK TO PDF
Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses August 2018 LINK TO PDF
Among Friends, Summer 2018 The newsletter from Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation. This edition contains news of the EMES annual meeting held in June, and reports from the Quaker presence at Eurosatory and the recent Church & Peace conference as well as updates from Quaker Council for European Affairs, Quaker United Nations Office & Woodbrooke. LINK TO PDF
Paper copies in Monthly notices folder and newsletter folder

Workshop and conference
Faith in the media
10.30am to 4.30pm, Saturday 1 September, Friends House, London
A one-day workshop to learn to use the media and social media to share Quaker faith in action. Sharpen skills in social media to attract new Friends to your meeting. Find out what journalists need from you.
With Jon Martin (outreach marketing officer) and Anne van Staveren (media officer) for BYM.
Anne van Staveren,, 07958 009703

Exploring Quaker Chaplaincy, it may be for you!
7–9 September 2018, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
This may be for you! Whether you are considering or starting Quaker chaplaincy work or you have years of experience, at this weekend you will be able to reflect on your work, share your experiences, ideas and insights, and come away refreshed.
Are you considering becoming a Quaker chaplain in hospital, prison, school or university or in any other work or community setting? Come to discover ways to develop your chaplaincy role and an opportunity for sharing, supporting and developing your ministry.
Book with Woodbrooke:
For more information about Quaker chaplaincy:
Marleen Schepers,, 020 7663 1143

Help us find the right Friends to re-write the Book of Discipline
By 1 September
Central Nominations Committee is looking for Friends to serve on the committee which will rewrite the Book of Discipline (Quaker Faith & Practice). We do not want to miss Friends across Britain who are not known to us. They could be younger, less confident Friends. Or a stalwart member of your meeting who would never presume to put their name forwards. In all cases they will be well grounded Quakers, with a deep understanding of Quakerism. We ask you to put the names of those Friends forward. You can do this as an individual Friend or as a meeting.

Please email with the Friend’s name and their AM or worship group.
You can also fill in the on-line form via THIS LINK

UK Peaceworkers 2 into 3 A big thank you!
We are very pleased to announce that we have exceeded our target and have been able to employ a third Peaceworker!
On top of this, because of the generosity of Friends we have
£6,560 towards the £28,592 cost of a third Peaceworker next year! We would like to thank all the Friends who supported this appeal. This year’s peaceworker placements will be
at Child Soldiers International, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s (CND) Peace Education Programme and British American Security Information Council (BASIC).

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