Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Yearly Meeting 2018


Substantive minutes LINK TO PDF [my scanner is not the best quality and I couldn’t find this selection online]


All the minutes! LINK TO PDF


Link to lots of documents & videos including Salter Lecture: “Bearing witness or bearing whiteness?”


The Swarthmore Lecture: Chris Alton: “Changing ourselves, changing the world” LINK TO AUDIO and MORE INFO


From Paul Parker Recording Clerk of BYM

Some thoughts from Sam Barnett-Cormmack having read a lot of the material available

Monday, 14 May 2018

Advices & Queries / Cynghorion a Holiadau 29/4; 6/5 & 13/5

30.Are you able to contemplate your death and the death of those closest to you? Accepting the fact of death, we are freed to live more fully. In bereavement, give yourself time to grieve. When others mourn, let your love embrace them.

A ydych yn abl i ystyried eich marwolaeth a marwolaeth eich anwyliaid? O dderbyn marwolaeth fel ffaith, fe’n rhyddheir i fyw yn llawnach. Mewn profedigaeth, caniatewch i chwi’ch hunan amser i alaru. Pan fo eraill yn galaru, gadewch i’ch cariad eu cofleidio.

31.We are called to live ‘in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of all wars’. Do you faithfully maintain our testimony that war and the preparation for war are inconsistent with the spirit of Christ? Search out whatever in your own way of life may contain the seeds of war. Stand firm in our testimony, even when others commit or prepare to commit acts of violence, yet always remember that they too are children of God.

Gelwir arnom i fyw ‘yn rhinwedd y bywyd a’r gallu sy’n symud achos rhyfeloedd’. A ydych yn cynnal yn ffyddlon ein tystiolaeth fod rhyfel, a pharatoi am ryfel, yn anghyson ag ysbryd Crist? Chwiliwch yn eich ffordd o fyw am unrhyw arwydd o hadau rhyfel. Sefwch yn gadarn yn ein tystiolaeth, hyd yn oed pan fo eraill yn cyflawni neu’n paratoi i gyflawni gweithredoedd o drais; ond cofiwch eu bod hwythau hefyd yn blant i Dduw.

32. Bring into God’s light those emotions, attitudes and prejudices in yourself which lie at the root of destructive conflict, acknowledging your need for forgiveness and grace. In what ways are you involved in the work of reconciliation between individuals, groups and nations?

Dygwch i oleuni Duw yr emosiynau, yr agweddau, y rhagfarnau hynny ynoch eich hunan sydd wrth wraidd gwrthdaro dinistriol, gan gydnabod fod arnoch angen maddeuant a gras. Ym mha ffyrdd yr ydych yn llafurio i gymodi rhwng unigolion a grwpiau a chenhedloedd?

Friday, 11 May 2018

Our Faith Our Work

For more information on the trustees of British Yearly Meeting follow this LINK

To read the "review of the activities of British Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 2017" online: LINK to a PDF this will give a broad idea of the sort of things BYM need money in action

About "Friends House (London) Hospitality Ltd, which is now 10 years old a LINK
and the LINK to the PDF version of the company annual review. You will see how much has been gift aided to Quaker work.