Wednesday, 14 March 2018

The 4 charities we will suport in the coming months

Prison Phoenix Trust link in their words:

"The Prison Phoenix Trust encourages prisoners in their spiritual lives through a daily practice of yoga and meditation, working with silence and the breath.

We encourage this practice by:

·         training qualified yoga teachers for prison

·         airing a radio yoga class three times per week

·         writing regular practical yoga columns for prisoner publications such as Inside Time and Women in Prison

We communicate with all our beneficiaries as individuals and we know that many prisoners have multiple and complex needs. We provide our books in various languages, as well as for people who can’t read at all, and can recommend yoga practices for people with specific ailments and disabilities."
St Mungo's Trust link in their words:

At St Mungo’s, we know that it takes more than a roof over someone’s head to end homelessness. While sleeping rough is the most visible form of homelessness, the causes and consequences of having nowhere stable to live are often much more complicated. That’s why we’ve developed a recovery based approach for our clients, focusing on addressing the issues a person faces to help them move on with their lives.
We look at each individual’s strengths – sometimes known as an ‘asset based’ approach – and use those skills and interests as the basis for recovery.
‘Fighting Hunger and Hardship in Pembrokeshire’
We are a charitable organisation aiming to relieve the effects of poverty for individuals and families within the county of Pembrokeshire.
Since June 2008 PATCH has been giving free food parcels, clothing and household items to those in a financial crisis in Pembrokeshire. We work closely with our referral agencies to help those that are experiencing hardship through perhaps a delay in benefits, fire, theft and escaping emergency situations.

Quaker Homeless Action link in their own words: 
Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) is a national charity run primarily by volunteers. QHA is a small and flexible organization that focuses on projects that are not funded by other organisations. Our projects include The Quaker Christmas Shelter and The Quaker Mobile Library.  We are always keen to hear from f/Friends with suggestions for other areas of work we could support - see our Affiliate Projects page for more information about this.

QHA's vision is for a society where homeless, marginalised and excluded people are empowered and supported to break out of exclusion, poverty, and isolation to experience life in all its fullness.


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