Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Service of Remembrance for All Victims of War // Gwasanaeth Coffa i Bawb sy'n Dioddef Rhyfel

Narberth Quakers will be holding their eleventh annual Service of Remembrance for All Victims of War  from a multi faith viewpoint on Saturday November 9th 11.00 a.m in Narberth at the Landsker Cross, Narberth

It is 101 years since the end of the First World War and 80 years since the start of the Second World War – and there have been many other wars in-between and since.

The service will be approximately half an hour . We will be offering readings, poetry, prayers and insights from a range of faiths.  Please join us for refreshments afterwards in a room at Narberth Swimming Pool.

All are welcome // Croeso i bawb – whether of any faith or none!

On Friday 8th November there will be a table with white poppies for sale in Narberth, in the car park entrance by Span Arts 10.00 – 14.00. Donations to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders.

Landsker Cross: crossroads where Station Road, Spring Gardens, Jesse Road (A478) and St. James Street (A478) meet.

Out of doors: there is a bench in the space around the cross if you need to sit down.
with Pembrokeshire Peace Group


Mae'n ddrwg gen i nid yw'r postiad hwn yn Gymraeg; bydd rhan fach o'r gwasanaeth yn Gymraeg.


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

monthly notices 10/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM

October 2019 editions of Books of the Month LINK TO PDF and Children & Young Adults Books of the Month LINK TO PDF from the Quaker Centre Bookshop.

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses October 2019 LINK TO PDF

2019 Swarthmore Lecture book now available LINK TO PDF flyer
‘On earth as it is in heaven’, the 2019 Swarthmore Lecture, explores Quaker eco-theology
– from early Friends to Quakers today. Eden Grace reflects on the theological, spiritual and biblical grounding of Quakers’ witness on climate breakdown. She relates the experiences of people whose lives are impacted by the climate crisis and asks how Quakers can act in solidarity with them. Please announce in notices.
Available to buy online at the Quaker Bookshop or call 020 7663 1030

Quaker values in politics
Preparing for a general election
General elections are a key opportunity to influence future decision- makers. Although a general election hasn’t been called yet, it’s likely that one will happen soon. How can we engage with candidates to share our views and values?
Grace Da Costa, the new Public Affairs and Advocacy Manager at BYM, has written a blog and briefing on how local meetings can prepare for a general election. Read it at and contact with any questions.

QPSW Spring Conference 2020: Journeys of Witness
20-22 March 2020
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire
A conference aimed at those fairly new to Friends or to the work of Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), and at QPSW Correspondents. It will focus on the work that QPSW does in the
world on behalf of Quakers, and how QPSW seeks to support Friends individually and in meetings to translate faith into action. LINK TO PDF

Event booking reminders
December Young Quakers Participation Day, 2019
Saturday 7 December 2019, Friends House, London
We have written to area meeting clerks with information about this year’s Young Quakers Participation Day.
For young Quakers (14-18 years old) who are interested in a day held alongside Meeting for Sufferings, seeking their views on issues of concern to them and also to Quakers in Britain.
Each area meeting can book places for two young people born
between 1.9.2001 and 31.8.2005, inclusive (aged 14-18).
Booking deadline: Sunday 17 November, 2019
Alex Zawadzka, 020 7663 1013,

Quaker Activist Gathering 2019
2 November 2019, Friends House, London
The activist gathering is a free event for Quakers and Quaker curious to come together for an intergenerational, restorative and invigorating day focusing on how we do social action.