[well I always find it inspiring! Narberth Clerk]
Friday, 5 July 2019
monthly notices 07/2019 hysbysiadau misol BYM
Listings, newsletter and
from the Quaker Centre Bookshop:
Books of the Month July 2019 LINK
Children & Young Adults Books of the Month 2019 LINK
Woodbrooke Upcoming
Courses July 2019 LINK
CIRcular, Issue
37, Yearly Meeting 2019 a digest of activities undertaken both by the Quaker Committee
for Christian & Interfaith Relations (QCCIR) and Friends in interfaith and interchurch
work across the yearly meeting. LINK
The Young Quaker, Issue 21: May 2019 – The Literary Issue The Young Friends General Meeting
magazine. LINK
Seeking Routes Art Exhibition, 20 July–8 September, Swarthmoor Hall An exhibition by
Quaker artists supported by Quaker Arts Network on the theme of Quaker witness to
sustainability – including a programme of workshops, lectures, poetry and performances.
Support for meetings LINK
BYM and Woodbrooke Trustees decision
On 7 June Trustees of
Woodbrooke and Britain Yearly Meeting met to discuss next steps, after the evaluation
of the Vibrancy in Meetings pilot showed it helped Friends in these areas feel more
connected, confident and supported. The aim is to have a Local Development Worker
within reach of each Quaker community within five years.
TO PDF More information is available at www.quaker.org.uk/blog
Quaker Week
Quaker Week 2019
Saturday 28 September to Sunday
6 October 2019
Quaker Week is all about
Quaker stories. Do you know each other’s stories? Can you share your meeting’s
story with the world? LINK
If you are on social
media, use the hashtag
#QuakerStories to find
examples and share your stories.
Mental Health forum
Quaker Mental Health Forum – Mental health in community
Saturday, 19 October 2019,
The Priory Rooms, Birmingham, B4 6AF
Quaker Life would like to
encourage meetings to attend the Quaker mental health forum. This year’s forum
will explore the impact of community on mental health, consider what makes a
healthy community and reflect on Quaker witness in creating spiritual connections
within the community. LINK
Alison Mitchell, 07483 028
490, mhdo@retreatyorkbfund.com www.retreatyorkbfund.com
Book online at http://bit.ly/QMH-forum-2019
Witness against the arms
Stop the Arms Fair this September
September 2019, mainly
London & some events across Britain
The international arms fair,
DSEI, is setting up shop in London in September 2019, to export war and
conflict around the world.
When we play host to one
of the world’s largest arms fairs, war, repression and injustice start here. Let’s
stop it here.
Friends interested in
opposing the arms fair can see the flyer on activities by Roots of Resistance
(printed copy included) and an additional flyer on the monthly mailing web page
about the vigil.
Daniel Jakopovich, danielj@quaker.org.uk,
020 7663 1090
Asylum and migration
Envisioning a world
that is open to all: let us see what love can do
27–29 September 2019, Woodbrooke
A weekend conference learning about asylum and migration,
hearing from those who have felt its impact, and working together to create the
change that we need. Speakers, workshops, performances and panel discussions will
explore the interplay between race, privilege and migration.
Hardship grants for individuals
Hope grants for individuals
Grants of up to £750 are available
to improve the quality of life for Quaker members and attenders who are unemployed
or unable to make a living wage. Past grants have funded: equipment for a new or
developing hobby; help with the cost of attending evening classes or lessons; help with cost of participating fully
in the life of the Society of Friends; help with travel costs, like visiting an
aged relative.
Applications must be
supported by an overseer. For details see:
Pollard & Dickson Trust has grants of up to £1,500 available for Friends &
attenders in Britain to help those unable to meet daily living expenses and to support
Friends to attend activities, courses or events that will have benefits for the
wider Quaker community
Contact Augene Nanning,
Pollard & Dickson Trust Administrator
William Gunn’s Charity
This Charity exists to
assist individual Members who are in personal financial need by making grants
of money to them or by paying for services and / or items needed by them.
Grants Secretary: Val Brittin
01905 25472 Clerk to Trustees: Jackie Fowler 01952 253378
Children and young people
Facilitation and Leadership
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 October 2019, Woodbrooke
An energetic and interesting event for 16 to 21 year
olds, helping them understand groups and try out skills. It is for those new to
facilitation and for those with previous experience – developing confidence, understanding
and skills alongside considering how to engage with Quaker aspects of
facilitation. LINK
Cat Waithaka, catw@quaker.org.uk,
020 7663 1011
Living as a Quaker
18–21 October 2019, The Sustainability Centre, Hampshire
Exciting opportunity for 12 to 15 year olds – residential
event exploring personal beliefs alongside outdoor skills and activities organised
by the Children and Young People’s Team and Youth Work project.
Book at https://forms.quaker.org.uk/laaq-2019 or ring 020
7663 1013
Deadline 21 September
How young Quakers can witness for peace at the arms fair
Monday 9 September, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.
Meet Tidal Basin Road, outside Royal Victoria DLR at 6pm
Come and meet other young Quakers and attend the silent vigil
held the evening before the September DSEi arms fair. There
will be Friends House staff and people who campaign for peace at this event. Young
people attend this event independently. Friends House staff will support young
people joining the vigil and parents/guardians should be happy that the young people
attending the event are of an age where they can take responsibility for themselves.
Cat Waithaka, catw@quaker.org.uk,
020 7663 1011
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