Friday, 30 November 2018

monthly notices December 2018 Rhagfyr hysbysiadau misol

Listings & newsletters
Books of the Month LINK to PDF

Woodbrooke Upcoming Courses LINK TO PDF
Among Friends Autumn 2018 The latest edition of the newsletter from the Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation contains news of a Norwegian Young Friends pilgrimage to Britain, the All Poland Friends Gathering and updates from Woodbrooke, QUNO and QCEA. LINK TO PDF

Trustees make decision over Palestine
Quakers in Britain has become the first church in the UK to announce it will not invest any of its centrally-held funds in companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine. The decision was made by trustees in consultation with Meeting for Sufferings.
The recording clerk said, “As Quakers, we seek to live out our faith through every day actions, including the choices we make about where to put our money.”

Revised leaflet on Confidentiality
Quaker Life has revised the guidance that it offers to meetings on confidentiality. See the new leaflet enclosed with this mailing. LINK TO PDF

Supporting roles
Patterns and examples: deep roots for strong communities
Gatherings in 2019 – see poster for dates and venues LINK TO PDF
Would those serving your meeting benefit from a day of support, training, and spiritual nurture? Patterns and Examples days are gatherings for all adult role holders, and children and young people aged 6 to 18. Each one will be an opportunity to meet Friends, make friends, share ideas and worries, develop your skills and build our Quaker communities.
To book, visit: For more information contact:, 0121 4156 770 020 7663 1007

Children and young people
All Are Welcome: Engaging and connecting with families
10.30am – 4.00pm, Saturday 2 March 2019, Friends House, London
A day for Friends to come together to share stories and explore what it means to be an all age community.
Online booking form: For more information contact:
Mel Cook,, 020 7663 1014

Quaker Life All Age Outreach Confererence 2019
15-17 February 2019, High Leigh Conference Centre, Hertfordshire
This event is aimed at Quakers who are keen to reach out and help build dynamic welcoming Quaker communities. The event will be truly all age with everyone working creatively together throughout the weekend to share experience, ideas and inspiration. LINK TO PDF MORE INFORMATION
Some bursary assistance to help with travel may be available.
Elizabeth Scott,, 020 7663 1121

QPSW Relief grants and Simmons grants available
QPSW Relief grants of up to £4,000 per year for a maximum of three years. They are available for projects both overseas and in the UK for peace-building, and addressing relief of people who are suffering as
a result of social and economic deprivation, natural disasters, climate change, war or conflict but not immediate crisis relief. Simmons grants of about £1,500 for one year will be available to aid Quakers’ support/ involvement in overseas projects helping rural young people become self-sufficient, or with a similar educational purpose. Projects need to be a concern of a local or area meeting.
Ann Pfeiffer,, 020 7663 1053

Inclusion and diversity
Inclusion and diversity survey
Yearly Meeting 2017 minuted “a call to examine our diversity” and a diversity and inclusion coordinator was appointed to look at the current makeup of the Quaker community in order to help us to develop in more inclusive ways. The inclusion and diversity survey has been
put together to help with this work. Please encourage Friends and attenders in your meeting to complete the survey. It is completely anonymous and the results will be collated at BYM.
Edwina Peart,, 0207 663 1148 Please complete the survey by 28 March 2019:
Paper version available