Monday, 12 December 2016

Quaker News No. 96 Autumn 2016

In case you missed the paper version of Quaker News an update on Quaker work in the care of British Yearly Meeting

Link to a PDF to view online

it includes an article about the four posters produced for Quaker Week 2015 [I saw one this week used as an advert in Private Eye!]

Friday, 9 December 2016

monthly notices December 2016 2 of 2

2016 Swarthmore Lecture DVD we now have a copy

The 2016 Swarthmore Lecture ‘Mending broken hearts, rebuilding shattered lives’ was given by Esther Mombo. The enclosed DVD has been produced for local and area meetings. It includes an introduction by Sandra Berry, Director of Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, and the full Swarthmore lecture, filmed at Britain Yearly Meeting, including spoken contributions from a number of peace builders throughout East and Central Africa. In addition, there is a post-lecture question and answer session between Sandra and Esther that was filmed at Woodbrooke. The running time is 106 minutes.


QPSW Spring Conference 2017: Journeys of Witness

24–26 March 2017, The Hayes, Swanwick, Derbyshire

The keynote speakers at the 2017 QPSW conference will be Jane Pearn, South East Scotland AM and clerk of the QPSW Peace Education, Campaigning and Networking Sub Committee, and Chris Venables, attender and activist. Jane and Chris will sharesomething of the work they do/have done and why they felt moved to do this work.

Kristin Skarsholt,, 020 7663 1121


Creating New Homes – what can we do?

11 February 2017, Friends House, London

London Quakers will run another conference on housing concerns, (open to all), which follows the successful day conference last year. It will be in the Sarah Fell room known to most of us as the Small MH.  Morning – review of current legislative developments, exploring what affordability means, workshops. Afternoon – London Citizens Housing  agenda, community hubs, workshops.

A detailed programme will follow.

Enquiries and registration via

Fred Ashmore, 07976 299721


Spirituality and End of Life Day Conference

4 March 2017, York Friargate Meeting House, York

Learning to live together with all faiths and none means learning how to die together. Beliefs about death affect beliefs about life, and likewise death and dying reveal a lot about what believers understand of the soul, the afterlife, the divine, and other questions.

Further details on the event, venue, agenda and practicalities are available at

Graham Spackman,


Monday, 5 December 2016

monthly notices December 2016 1 of 2

The books of the month. Link to a PDF document

Woodbrooke: upcoming course. Link to a PDF document

Among Friends no. 127 Winter 2016 Europe & Middle East Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation Link to a PDF document [note from blog author - I always find this publication interesting and inspiring!]