Thursday, 18 August 2016

august notices

The bulletin of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, including reports from the World Plenary Meeting in Peru.

The journal of Europe & Middle East Section of FWCC, including report on a vigil held outside the Eurosatory arms fair in Paris in June. Paper copy will arrive September

‘So you’ve read Quaker faith & practice, what next?’
4–6 November 2016, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A weekend organised by the Book of Discipline Revision Preparation  Group especially for Friends of less than about 10 years standing, or certainly people who’ve come to Friends since the last time our book was revised! A chance to reflect on the spiritual experience of reading Quaker faith & practice and to consider its meaning in our lives.
Bookings via Woodbrooke on 0121 472 5171 or online at Other enquiries to

Exploring Being Friends Together
10 October 2016, Woodbrooke, Birmingham
A day to explore the Being Friends Together website and how to use it as a tool in your meeting’s learning and growing together. No skill or experience is necessary; this is an ideal opportunity for  clerks, elders or anyone involved in developing the life and learning of the meeting to find out more about this treasure trove of resources, ideas and workshops.
Email to find out more and to book a place.

A weekend event for newcomers at Charney Manor
4–6 November 2016, Charney Manor
New to Quakers? Want to explore Quaker worship? This weekend is for people who know little or nothing about Quakers,  and for those who have been around Quakers a while and want to  explore further. Come and find out more about core Quaker beliefs,  discover Quaker worship and hear how Quakers live their lives.
How to book: Download the booking form at:
Email: Telephone: 01235 868206

Echo Chamber: Voices of conscience – an exhibition from the Quaker Arts Network
18 August–2 September, Friends House, London
The Quaker Arts Network will host an exhibition at Friends House. The exhibition focuses on conscientious objection drawing inspiration from COs during World War I and bringing our understanding of conscience up to date.
Open 11am–4pm daily (except bank holiday Monday 29 August).
Link: ECHO CHAMBER flyer pdf

Workshop to explore engaging 0–3s and families in meetings
15 October 2016 and 12 November 2016
Newcastle, Liverpool, Cambridge and Bristol
These workshops aim to encourage and support meetings to engage with 0–3s and families in meetings including identifying what steps meetings need to take to encourage families to come and to be ready when they do.
Thais de Oliveira, 020 7663 1013,

Apply for a QPSW Sustainability & New Economy grant
Got ideas for a project that will help to build low-carbon, sustainable communities or a more just kind of economics? Apply for £100–£2,000 before 3 October 2016.
Find out more at:

Engaging with your local policing bodies
Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) in England and Wales, and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) are responsible for setting policing policy, practice and budgets in our communities. The enclosed flyer gives details of a new briefing from QPSW Crime, Community and Justice Subcommittee for Friends wanting to engage with these public servants.
Paula Harvey, Crime, Community and Justice Programme Manager
020 7663 1036,